Mar 2021


The Healthcare Social Network

Bleepr is a healthcare social network focussed on revolutionising the way healthcare professionals interact online outside of the workplace. Bleepr takes a focus on research, connecting people with similar work goals and interests. Providing them with a platform through which they can connect, collaborate, and grow as a collective hive of medical minds.

Mar 2021
Dec 2019


Building a Medical Simulation Game

PixelDr is a 2D simulation game designed to recreate the experience of being a doctor in an emergency department in a realistic but gamified way. The main goal of the project was to avoid all guidance to an answer, which we often get in our medical training through single best answer exams. The game was developed using only open source technology and designed to run online or on a local device.

Dec 2019
Jul 2019


Unlocking the power of healthcare data

DataDocs was a data science platform designed to teach doctors how to code. The app was designed to work with a cloud-based jupyter kernel that was containerised to avoid malicious attacks. The app would use real healthcare datasets to teach individuals how to solve complex healthcare problems in an attempt to unlock the power of the NHS.

Jul 2019